A car can be quite expensive to buy and as such, it does often end up becoming one of the most valuable things you may own. If you have given your car to your friend to drive, it is quite understandable if you feel worried. You may even have questions on whether your car or your friend will be covered under your car insurance in case of any unfortunate accidents. Your friend may be a diligent driver; however, there is no saying when misfortune may strike and see them involved in an accident. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the procedure of raising a claim if someone else is driving your car.
Let’s take a look at the same.
Car insurance claim procedure
When you lend your car to your friend, it is considered as ‘permissive use’ by the insurance company. As such, the usual coverage, limitations, and claim procedure shall be applicable.
- Contact your insurer
The first thing you need to do is to contact your car insurance provider and inform them of the mishap. The insurer will let you know if you need to take any specific steps going ahead.
- Get the required information
You should reach the accident scene on time and try to collect as much information as possible. Make sure you have the contact details of the other parties involved in the mishap (if any). Take photographs of the damage if possible.
- Contact the police
Depending on how severe the damages have been, you may want to contact the police. This is quite necessary if the accident has caused grievous damage to somebody else’s property or body. The FIR report is a necessary document that is required to process the claim on your car insurance policy.
- File a claim and co-operate with the surveyor
Now, you must file a claim and provide all the relevant information required by the insurer. You can file a claim on your car insurance by calling your TPA or do it through the website or the insurer’s app. You can file a reimbursement claim if the repair is going to be done at a non-network garage. In case of cashless repair, you will have to pay for the deductibles.
After being contacted by you, the insurer will send a surveyor to the site to assess the damage for their own record. The surveyor will note down the various aspects of the accident that will help the insurance company to process your claim. The surveyor may also help you move your car to the nearest garage. Post this, the repairs shall begin.
Note that the entire claims procedure may differ slightly from insurer to insurer.
Some important things to keep in mind
Do make note of the following points –
- Only lend your car to someone who has a valid driving license. If your friend involved in the accident does not have a valid driving license, then the insurer is within their right to reject your car insurance claims.
- For your friend to be covered under your car insurance policy, they have to be in the age group for drivers specified by the policy.
- When filing a claim, keep the required documents handy. Some documents you may require include-
– The claim form, duly filled
– Copy of the car insurance policy
– The police FIR
– Copy of the driving license of your friend and the RC book.
– Medical receipts if any parties have been injured
– Bills/invoices related to the repair
- Some insurers may have a list of ‘excluded drivers’; it is necessary to go through such a list if they are available, before you allow someone else to drive your car.
It is to be pointed out that both types of policies – third-party car insurance as well as comprehensive car insurance cover you in this situation. However, the extent of coverage given will differ. Third-party insurance will only cover third-party damages whereas comprehensive car insurance covers you for third-party damages and own damages.
We hope that the information in this article has proved helpful for you. Good luck.